ArduCAM F Shield Rev V2


Select the proper Camera Module option below.


ArduCAM F Shield Rev V2:

The ArduCAM F Shield Rev V2 (B0051) is a universal camera control board for Arduino-compatible system boards. It hides the complex nature of the camera and provides the easy to use camera control interface as well as the ready to use software source code library and demo code. The shield supports a variety of camera modules from 0.3 MP to 5.0 MP with different format like RAW, RGB, YUV, JPEG. It connects easily to standard Arduino boards. The ArduCAM LF Shield Rev V2 version features a 3.2″ TFT LCD mounted to the back of the PCB. Optionally, an OV2640 2.0 MP Camera Board w/ Stock Lens may be purchased bundled with this shield.

The ArduCAM F Shield Rev V2 is the latest revision of ArduCAM shields, it offers the improved performance and enhanced functions than the previous revisions. It can capture maximum 5.0 MP JPEG images, which makes it an ideal solution for IoT applications.

The ArduCAM F Shield Rev V2 is designed for, but not limited to Arduino. It can be used in any platform, such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Maple, chipKIT, BeagleBone Black, as long as they have the SPI and I2C interface. The user can port the current Arduino library to other platforms with less effort.

  • Supports 0.3 MP~5.0 MP camera modules, see Table 1
  • Supports 3.2 inch TFT LCD with touch screen
  • Build in SD/TF card socket
  • Supports JPEG compression mode, single and multiple shoot mode, one time capture multiple read operation, burst read operation, low power mode, etc.
  • Support almost any microcontroller platform
  • Open source code library provided
  • All ArduCAM’s IO ports are 5 V/3.3 V tolerant
  • Well suited for use with standard Arduino boards
  • Can be used with any MCU, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, ARM, DSP, FPGA platforms

Table 1 – ArduCAM Shield Rev V2 Supported Camera Modules

Resolution Sensor Vendor Camera Module Manufacturer
0.3 MP OmniVision OV7660 / OV7670 / OV7675 / OV7725 ArduCAM
0.3 MP Aptina MT9V111 ArduCAM
1.3 MP Aptina MT9M112 / MT9M001 ArduCAM
2 MP OmniVision OV2640 ArduCAM
2 MP Aptina MT9D111 / MT9D112 ArduCAM
3 MP OmniVision OV3640 ArduCAM
3 MP Aptina MT9T112 ArduCAM
5 MP OmniVision OV5640 / OV5642 ArduCAM

Key Specifications
Spec ArduCAM Shield Rev V2
Resolution 0.3 MP ~ 5.0 MP
3.2″ TFT LCD Supported
TF/SD card Supported
Frame Buffer 512 Kb
SPI Speed 8 MHz
Power 50 mA @ 5 V
Not including camera module
Size 99 mm x 59 mm
Weight 50 g
Temperature -10°C ~ +55°C

Package Includes:
  • ArduCAM F Shield Rev V2 w/ OV2640 camera module (if selected) (qty 1)
  • Note: System Board (e.g. Arduino UNO) is not included
Additional Resources:

Additional information

Weight 1.4 oz
Dimensions 4.5 × 4.0 × 0.75 in
Camera Module

w/ Camera Module, w/o Camera Module


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